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Re: Obama's Nobel Speech

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 1:59 pm
by nuf
HappyHappy wrote:

at least you´re not trying to hide it :mrgreen:

good job at beeing bitter, old man.

Re: Obama's Nobel Speech

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 4:26 pm
by ruggbutt
Ahh, well that's ok then. Unless you figure that the costs of things from this and the last administration are additive. It's not about comparison cuz the bill still has to be paid.

Re: Obama's Nobel Speech

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 7:42 pm
by Yellow77
HappyHappy wrote:Long live the workers, the middle class.
The middle class is a lot smaller than it was 2, 5, or 10 years ago. The "workers" are all imported from foreign lands, or the jobs are exported to foreign lands. Know anyone that is unemployed? You let business run unfettered and you get stuff like Monsanto. I guess the end goal is a government under the thumb of the only corporation left after they have all merged. The pendulum has swung too far to the corporate side. Anyone who believes this health care fight isn't about keeping the money flow to the insurance companies is kidding themselves.

Re: Obama's Nobel Speech

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 7:43 pm
by callmeslick
ruggbutt wrote:You're so worried about the 1% that you close your eyes to what it's going to cost the 99%.
thanks for missing my point completely. As usual.

Re: Obama's Nobel Speech

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 7:46 pm
by callmeslick
HappyHappy wrote:I have no tolerange for Democrats, communists or "liberals".
callmeslick you are a pathetic spineless worm looking for a free ride from your communist heros.
As to Obama, he is the first "president" that I have voted against, or for that I have refused to recognise.
I would gladly spit at him and call him the communist pretender that he is.
I want to be a party to the destruction of the "Democratic" party and it's communist foundation.

Long live the workers, the middle class.

To hell with you, "callmeslick" and the others that want to pick our pockets
to carry the worthless and the weak.
To HELL with the career welfare families and those who suck a living off the goverment.

Note I did not say poor. Being poor is not a crime or a fault.
It is not always the fault of any person to wind up poor.

Yes "callmeslick", you are little more than a piece of shit polluting the population.

the only logical reply to this pathetic loser is:

Happy, wake up and smell the coffee. Obama won. Communism is no closer than ever, you still don't have a clue about Democrats, or even your own system of government. You want to be a party to the destruction of the Democrats?? Well, your first step might be avoiding Republican rallies, and getting your fellow loons to do likewise, because you sorry assclowns are going to give us a one-party government eventually, with the Republicans consigned to representing a slow-witted chunk of the deep south. And this citizen doesn't like that prospect either.......

Re: Obama's Nobel Speech

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 9:28 pm
by ruggbutt
callmeslick wrote: thanks for missing my point completely. As usual.
I just pointed out that you "conveniently" forget about the rest of the country as you're pointing fingers at the rich. Typical. Then again, all politicians seem to be millionaires. And on a salary of a couple hundred grand. I wonder how that happens...................

As for the destruction of the GOP, you're dreaming outloud. There will always be an opposition party to the DNC because there will always be people who prefer common sense, love their country, believe in the Constitution and dislike the socialism/marxism that's permeating that party.

Re: Obama's Nobel Speech

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 9:38 pm
by Yellow77
The "GOP" is the neo-conOP. The Republican party destroyed itself years ago. All the religious whack jobs have taken it over. They prey on the under-educated with scare tactics. There is no mystic space fairy that created the Earth; that demands your allegiance, and loads of your money. The sooner people realize that, the better off the whole planet will be.

Re: Obama's Nobel Speech

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 10:30 pm
by ruggbutt
Yellow77 wrote:The "GOP" is the neo-conOP. The Republican party destroyed itself years ago. All the religious whack jobs have taken it over.
The same can be said about the DNC. Left wing marxist/socialist leanings, Murtha and his ilk disrespecting the laws of the land, KKK members, etc. The DNC ain't the same party JFK was part of. The same can be said of the GOP in comparison to Reagan conservatives.

Both parties are fucked up but since the DNC is running the show lock, stock and barrel they're the ones to point the fingers at. Ya'll had 6 years of doing the same with Bush and the GOP. It's when we stop criticizing them that they win.

Re: Obama's Nobel Speech

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 7:00 pm
by callmeslick
ruggbutt wrote:I just pointed out that you "conveniently" forget about the rest of the country as you're pointing fingers at the rich.
umm, that's because more money is pissed down the National Drain by giveaways to the top 1%, from the ridiculous 15% cap gains tax rate, to agricultural subsidies, and more breaks than I could list, than all the combined waste and fraud in programs that benefit working folks and the poor. And, we're talking a factor of like 10 times the amounts.
Then again, all politicians seem to be millionaires. And on a salary of a couple hundred grand. I wonder how that happens...................
it's not rocket science, oh Einstein of Arizona.....our system pretty much dictates that they either be filthy rich, or have very well off backers to even THINK about running for office.
As for the destruction of the GOP, you're dreaming outloud. There will always be an opposition party to the DNC because there will always be people who prefer common sense, love their country, believe in the Constitution and dislike the socialism/marxism that's permeating that party.
I agree, but think we could be approaching a very dangerous time for both parties, as folks might well be ready to realign into more responsive parties. The GOP is on VERY shaky ground. They cannot afford to completely write off the Northeast, Middle Atlantic and huge chunks of the Midwest and Far West. Yet, they seem intent on doing so. They might get some support, but at an unelectable level, statewide, in 40 states, they aren't going to be to effective on the national stage if they let the crazies take over.