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Re: Dont want to gloat

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 2:11 pm
by Barfly
callmeslick wrote:
Pudfark wrote:Lack of a budget is "holding" everybody back...
really? Explain why, because I see no daily effect on me.
I'm so ignorant and heartless, I can take care of mine.
So, you're saying somebody irresponsible and indigent would'a
kicked the bucket here....prove it. ;)
happens every day in this country, along with people going into bankruptcy to pay for health care or who got behind financially due to 50% coverage in disability payments. I cited Fatman's information for FAR beyond simple health insurance. He lives in a country that provides for lots of full pay sick leave and understands that caring for ALL the people makes for a more productive society. Don't worry about links, just look around at the rest of the civilized world.
Australia is a GREAT starting point, BTW, and their economy hasn't suffered for the fact, most of my most lucrative investments in the past decade have come from that fine nation!
You'd do a better sell-job if you could substantiate your opinion with some facts... your language indicates your don't really want an honest debate.

Re: Dont want to gloat

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 2:18 pm
by Pudfark
callmeslick wrote:
Pudfark wrote:Lack of a budget is "holding" everybody back...
really? Explain why, because I see no daily effect on me.
I'm so ignorant and heartless, I can take care of mine.
So, you're saying somebody irresponsible and indigent would'a
kicked the bucket here....prove it. ;)
happens every day in this country, along with people going into bankruptcy to pay for health care or who got behind financially due to 50% coverage in disability payments. I cited Fatman's information for FAR beyond simple health insurance. He lives in a country that provides for lots of full pay sick leave and understands that caring for ALL the people makes for a more productive society. Don't worry about links, just look around at the rest of the civilized world.
Australia is a GREAT starting point, BTW, and their economy hasn't suffered for the fact, most of my most lucrative investments in the past decade have come from that fine nation!
I'd bet that Australia has a budget...maybe Fats will chime in and confirm?
I'd bet Australia don't owe 16 trillion plus...
There ya go bragging about investing in Australia...instead of yer own country :roll:
Once again..sigh...yer opinion and socialist views....ain't proof.

Simples....You wanna make a point?
Throw in some "facts" that are reference-able.
Bye the weigh...this ain't Australia. ;)

Re: Dont want to gloat

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 2:40 pm
by callmeslick
Pudfark wrote: I'd bet that Australia has a budget...maybe Fats will chime in and confirm?
I'd bet Australia don't owe 16 trillion plus...
There ya go bragging about investing in Australia...instead of yer own country :roll:
did I say I didn't invest in my own country? Of course not, I merely stated that Australia has been on an economic roll, despite treating all its citizens fairly.
Once again..sigh...yer opinion and socialist views....ain't proof.
and your dimwitted repetition is?
Simples....You wanna make a point?
Throw in some "facts" that are reference-able.
Bye the weigh...this ain't Australia. ;)
the Australian economy is easily referenced.....for those willing to do the light work involved.

Re: Dont want to gloat

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 2:54 pm
by Tolwyn
Buddy brought some of his vicadin over.
We had a couple pills each, washed it down with beer, and worked our way through a large pizza.


Don't know what it was supposed to do, but I didn't notice anything. :(
Barfly wrote:
Tolwyn wrote:yeah, fuck it that you just had surgery and on drugs.
Let's talk about HEALTHCARE!

This place never disappoints.

Please mail your excess oxycontin to...

OMG! Down that stuff with beer, it works better that way. Had some for some bone crushing pain after a motorcycle accident years ago... it worked ok... with beer. I've since thrown away a bunch of the stuff - I think that's what they gave me after some back surgery a few years ago - didn't even read the label, just chucked it. Had an large cyst removed, and although they cut out a bunch of flesh, I'm sure it wasn't anywhere nears as painful as Buzz's back injury. Still... I'd chug the beer and throw the pills over my shoulder, cause I'm too lazy to mail it to you.

Re: Dont want to gloat

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 2:58 pm
by callmeslick
that's a pretty weak codeine derivative, Tolwyn(not that I'm advocating for opiate use, too many horror stories to relate there....), but depending on the size of tablets, very little more potent than a Tylenol, if you had Oxycontin or the big Dilaudids, I wouldn't recommend the beer at all, and when they kick in, watch out, you might be face down in the pizza. ;)

Re: Dont want to gloat

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:09 pm
by Pudfark
What Slick said bout the drugs...

"Percodan or Percocet"?
Hell some of that "starter fluid"...ether?

Personally...nothing does it like morphine... :idea:

Seriously, there's little to no excuse for some one to be in pain now days.
Pain killers are the cheapest of drugs, cost wise. Talk to yer Doc, if'n ya can't get it through his/her head...Fire your Doc and get another one. Unless you're on Government Health Care and are not allowed to and or it takes weeks.....oops.
My bad.

Re: Dont want to gloat

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 4:43 pm
by Tolwyn
Well, I barely even take ibuprofen. I'm just not a druggie, or a pill-popper.
I do drink beer, though.

When I had my hand surgery, they gave me oxy-codone or something, and I took the first one because I thought I "had to." But never felt any pain at all, so never took any more.

I just don't feel pain that much. I broke my hand and didn't even know it until 2 days later.

Re: Dont want to gloat

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 4:50 pm
by callmeslick
I tend to feel the pain just fine, but tend also to ignore it for several days until I approach cripple status or it goes away. :)

Re: Dont want to gloat

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:30 pm
by Soapy
Glad you are okay Fats. :D

If I'm not mistaken, the Aussie Health system is loosely based on the the UK National Health System. One thing most Aussies will admit that the bleeding pommy bastids got right! 8-)

Up until I was 40 years old, I'd only been in a hospital overnight once ( aged 3 and a half to get my tonsils removed ) but I paid towards the National Health care all my working life. After I turned 40 I still have not had an overnight, but too many day appointments, and cameras up my doo dahs etc. I have had to visit my local GP more and more not because I want to, but because my employer demands I do otherwise they won't accept any sicktime ( Corporate 'holes that they are ).

I've glued teeth back in ( crowns and real ones ), set a broken wrist, and had a mate do stitches on me for an industrial accident, rather than burden the state ( or go to hossie, which is full of sick people..) even though I pay towards the health service. Because I don't want to take up someone else's slot if they need it more than me.

But at the same time, fannies in my country, on private health care are actually using the same Doctors and Hossies as me, and getting their treatment on a higher priority too. And it all comes out of my Taxes?

Anyhoo. Despite that I'm all for the common good, but mainly I'm glad that Fats can get himself some beers in ( Gallbladders...ouchies )

Re: Dont want to gloat

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 8:43 pm
by callmeslick
Soapy--"cameras up your do-dahs"?? :shock:

also, what are 'fannies', in the context you used the word?