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Re: So they are tying to blame Al-Queda

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 2:59 pm
by Reservoir_Dog
callmeslick wrote:It would help if we could
exile the xenophobes and fear-mongers..... :roll:
Yeah, but then you'd be down to a one party system. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: So they are tying to blame Al-Queda

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 4:13 pm
by callmeslick
we pretty much are.....wait until 2012. ;)

Re: So they are tying to blame Al-Queda

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 5:05 pm
by Pudfark
I predict domestic terrorism between 2010 and 2012, if the "balance of power" is not restored in 2010. Along with much civil disobedience....and the really "cool" thing one can or will do anything to prevent it.....not enough police or National Guard....and, what side do you think that they will take? I believe that the politicians will look at the next two years as a "dead line" for opportunities to steal from the taxpayers....A "Third Party" is inevitable and the only viable solution to the rampant corruption and greed in Washington D.C.

Re: So they are tying to blame Al-Queda

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 5:11 pm
by Reservoir_Dog
Pudfark wrote:I predict domestic terrorism between 2010 and 2012, if the "balance of power" is not restored in 2010. Along with much civil disobedience....and the really "cool" thing one can or will do anything to prevent it.....not enough police or National Guard....and, what side do you think that they will take? I believe that the politicians will look at the next two years as a "dead line" for opportunities to steal from the taxpayers....A "Third Party" is inevitable and the only viable solution to the rampant corruption and greed in Washington D.C.
Let me guess, Mein Kampf is your favorite book.

Re: So they are tying to blame Al-Queda

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 5:38 pm
by nicolas10
Reservoir_Dog wrote:And a grand total of ONE of the 9/11 hijackers had the name Mohamed.

Mohamed Atta
Waleed M. Alshehri
Wail M. Alshehri
Abdulaziz Alomari
Satam M.A. Al Suqami
Marwan Al-Shehhi
Fayez Rashid Ahmed Hassan Al Qadi Banihammad
Ahmed Alghamdi
Hamza Alghamdi
Mohand Alshehri
Khalid Almihdhar
Majed Moqed
Salem Alhazmi
Nawaf Alhazmi
Hani Hanjour
Saeed Alghamdi
Ahmed Ibrahim A. Al Haznawi
Ahmed Alnami
Ziad Samir Jarrah
True. We'd have three time better results if we ban ahmeds to enter the country!

Re: So they are tying to blame Al-Queda

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 7:41 pm
by Reservoir_Dog
nicolas10 wrote:
Reservoir_Dog wrote:And a grand total of ONE of the 9/11 hijackers had the name Mohamed.

Mohamed Atta
Waleed M. Alshehri
Wail M. Alshehri
Abdulaziz Alomari
Satam M.A. Al Suqami
Marwan Al-Shehhi
Fayez Rashid Ahmed Hassan Al Qadi Banihammad
Ahmed Alghamdi
Hamza Alghamdi
Mohand Alshehri
Khalid Almihdhar
Majed Moqed
Salem Alhazmi
Nawaf Alhazmi
Hani Hanjour
Saeed Alghamdi
Ahmed Ibrahim A. Al Haznawi
Ahmed Alnami
Ziad Samir Jarrah
True. We'd have three time better results if we ban ahmeds to enter the country!
Better yet, ban anyone named Randy.
Same difference.

Re: So they are tying to blame Al-Queda

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 8:34 pm
by Pudfark
Mandatory "Cavity Search" for all muslims.....and put Reservoir_Dog in charge....then R_D might have a change of view on the name thing.....I'm just saying....

Old Pudfark sez: "ya can't lick'em...if'n ya ain't got'em".....

Re: So they are tying to blame Al-Queda

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 8:36 pm
by callmeslick
Pudfark wrote:I predict domestic terrorism between 2010 and 2012, if the "balance of power" is not restored in 2010.
why not? The nuts seem to have come out of the woodworks.
Along with much civil disobedience....and the really "cool" thing one can or will do anything to prevent it.....not enough police or National Guard....and, what side do you think that they will take?
y'all ought to come up north a bit. We're not all that fired up. Really, we aren't.
I believe that the politicians will look at the next two years as a "dead line" for opportunities to steal from the taxpayers....A "Third Party" is inevitable and the only viable solution to the rampant corruption and greed in Washington D.C.
some politicians are always looking to steal from the taxpayers. Always have been, always will be. As for a third party, I've heard that BS so many times in my life by now, I laugh when someone mentions it. By the way, a look a most national election ballots will show there are about 12 parties running out there. Sadly, only two have any real power, and one of them is hell-bent on becoming a regional party of complete extremists, religious zealots and loons. Then, as I stated to ResDog, we will have a functional one-party system, and that never goes well,in the long run.

Re: So they are tying to blame Al-Queda

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 9:22 pm
by Reservoir_Dog
Pudfark wrote:Mandatory "Cavity Search" for all muslims.....and put Reservoir_Dog in charge....then R_D might have a change of view on the name thing.....I'm just saying....

Old Pudfark sez: "ya can't lick'em...if'n ya ain't got'em".....
Apparently you're out of the loop on that pun, Old FuddFark.

Old FuddFark sez: "If'n ya don't don't know what yer talkin' about, talk about what ya don't know about."

Re: So they are tying to blame Al-Queda

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 10:20 pm
by ruggbutt
Reservoir_Dog wrote:Let me guess, Mein Kampf is your favorite book.
That's one step down from the 'ol "call 'em a Nazi if you don't have a intelligent response" trick.