Post Office

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Re: Post Office

Post by Pudfark »

Slick...feigned interest and lack of mental grasp, don't normally suit you.
However, in this case you're wearing it like a coat. :roll:

Holder sat on the Petraeus affair for five months.
Then, Obama blackmailed Petraeus into giving false information.
Do note, that the "testimony" Petraeus gave Thursday, was not under oath.
Here we are with yer head up yer butt and dexterously, with
yer fingers in your ears.

And yes Slick, I know you didn't see or hear anything.... ;)
I see yer strategy for what it is?
It's difficult to get "butt hosed" when yer head is in the way. :)
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Re: Post Office

Post by callmeslick »

gawd, you're willing to stretch credibility even for the incredibly gullible. You state all that tripe like it is fact, but, in reality it is the conjectures of the right wing blogosphere. All of it. Through all this drivel, you don't come close to explaining how Eric Holder has anything to do with the Middle East foreign policy.
At all.
Pudfark wrote: Mon May 29, 2017 11:15 am I live in live in America.

Re: Post Office

Post by Pudfark »

Seems you're purposely ducking all that has to do with Libya.... :roll:
Holder has/had a roll in that....the name is Petraeus.

Keep playing suits folks...who can't entertain/put forth anything different. ;)
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Re: Post Office

Post by CUDA »

callmeslick wrote:by not agreeing to the complete stupidity put forth by some who opposed him, and daring to suggest that his opponent was a lying, and that the President doesn't
Fixed it for ya slick.
seems that you two always want to intentionally omit that part. you both have been VERY quick to attempt to point out that a man that was not elected to Office was a liar, but you both continue to dodge the truth and change the subject that the man that is leading this country IS LYING about Libya and those are the FACTS. slick doesn't want to hear that, but honestly I don't care. he he knows it's true, Buzz knows it's true. the whole world knows. hell even Nic knows it's true. it seems that the only ones that don't see the truth are the apologists. because that's what the FACTS say is true.

stubborn thing those facts
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Re: Post Office

Post by callmeslick »

geez, Pud, do you really think Holder investigated Petraeus to squelch testimony on Libya? Really? Man, have I got some land to sell you.
Ever occur to you that NO ONE wanted to remove Petraeus, but they got forced into it by the press about to splash the story everywhere?
As one source I read tells it, the Mideast CIA operatives were incredulous that someone would resign due to an affair, and Administration sources
seem to indicate that they tried to avoid removing him until it got to the point where news outlets were going to portray a potential risk to
classified material.
Still, I see you cannot, or will not, address how you think a President 'controls' the Middle East. You can't cite an example of any President doing so
more effectively, with as little risk for our people. Yet, you still babble about Libya. Thus, no more response from me. Talk to yourself, or maybe CUDA hasn't
lost interest in the subject. The obvious conclusion remains: you hate your President, and are willing to hate your own country because of it to the point
of flagrant lying and conjecture. Shame on you.
Pudfark wrote: Mon May 29, 2017 11:15 am I live in live in America.
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Re: Post Office

Post by callmeslick »

I don't know who, if anyone, is intentionally lying about Libya. But, I do know this: Obama has done more positive policy things, to protect the lives of Americans overseas, with less resources(thank you, GOP, for cutting embassy budgets and the like) than any President going back to Reagan. Think I'm making this up? Lessee:

Reagan--hundreds die in Lebanon bombing.
Bush Sr.--Iraq war #1, for what? Do you see the Saudis or Kuwaitis showing their ongoing gratitude? I don't
Bush Jr.--do we really have to detail the recklessness of this one? Really, do we?
Pudfark wrote: Mon May 29, 2017 11:15 am I live in live in America.
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Re: Post Office

Post by CUDA »

callmeslick wrote:CUDA,
I don't know who, if anyone, is intentionally lying about Libya.
They did..he did and still is.. you know it and I know it.

let me point out President Obama's PERSONAL Lie

General Patreaus testified before congress that he said it was a terrorist attack within 24 hours. General Patreaus is part of the president's cabinet and advised the president of what happened in the Consulate attack on 9-11. the President HIMSELF with knowledge of what he was briefed on. KNOWING it was terrorism went out not once but at least 3 times went before the American people and the world (UN) and said it was about a video, when he know that it was not about a video. that is a LIE
1    [lahy] Show IPA noun, verb, lied, ly·ing.
a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.
something intended or serving to convey a false impression; imposture: His flashy car was a lie that
let me point out Joe Biden's lie. Joe Biden said during the debate that they were just reporting what the intelligence agencies told them. but we know that the intelligence agency told them that it was terrorism. but the administration has NEVER said it was terrorism and continues to say that it's about a Video. that is a LIE

But, I do know this: Obama has done more positive policy things, to protect the lives of Americans overseas,
that is AT BEST open for debate.
Nevelle Chamberlain thought the same thing. appeasement is not a Positive policy change.
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Re: Post Office

Post by callmeslick »

CUDA wrote:
callmeslick wrote:CUDA,
I don't know who, if anyone, is intentionally lying about Libya.
They did..he did and still is.. you know it and I know it.
no,I don't and neither do you. We know nothing beyond what we read on the internet, and most all of that is speculation.

General Patreaus testified before congress that he said it was a terrorist attack within 24 hours. General Patreaus is part of the president's cabinet and advised the president of what happened in the Consulate attack on 9-11. the President HIMSELF with knowledge of what he was briefed on. KNOWING it was terrorism went out not once but at least 3 times went before the American people and the world (UN) and said it was about a video, when he know that it was not about a video. that is a LIE
except for the fact(FACT) that he did not. Videotape will show that on at least two occaisions,the President referred to terrorism. Further, the remarks around the video were an attempt to explain ONE of MANY sources of Mideast tension toward the US, not this specific incident. Please, quit letting your imagination, coupled with your Obama Hard-On color your normally semi-sound judgement.
1    [lahy] Show IPA noun, verb, lied, ly·ing.
a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.
something intended or serving to convey a false impression; imposture: His flashy car was a lie that
let me point out Joe Biden's lie. Joe Biden said during the debate that they were just reporting what the intelligence agencies told them. but we know that the intelligence agency told them that it was terrorism. but the administration has NEVER said it was terrorism and continues to say that it's about a Video. that is a LIE
no that is untrue of you to claim as I pointed out above, but what you keep spouting is starting to stretch both the truth and common sense. Like Pud, you seem to think that the US can control the Arab or larger Muslim world. We cannot.
Pudfark wrote: Mon May 29, 2017 11:15 am I live in live in America.

Re: Post Office

Post by Pudfark »

callmeslick wrote:geez, Pud, do you really think Holder investigated Petraeus to squelch testimony on Libya? Really? Man, have I got some land to sell you. It was about blackmail and still is.

Ever occur to you that NO ONE wanted to remove Petraeus, but they got forced into it by the press about to splash the story everywhere? If? That's true? Who, other, than an idiot, would believe? Obama didn't know, wasn't told about it for five months.

As one source I read tells it, the Mideast CIA operatives were incredulous that someone would resign due to an affair, and Administration sources
seem to indicate that they tried to avoid removing him until it got to the point where news outlets were going to portray a potential risk to
classified material. Who "hacked" the emails? It was the FBI. Who released the info? It was the FBI. The press was going to release what? They had no tangible evidence/proof. The press still has no tangible evidence. Oh,yeah, Obama didn't know shit...and still doesn't know. Speaking of conjecture? You've said more about this incident here, than Obama has said about it.

Still, I see you cannot, or will not, address how you think a President 'controls' the Middle East. I never said anything like that, you did. It has no bearing on this discussion. Nice try at "thread drift".

You can't cite an example of any President doing so
more effectively, with as little risk for our people. Yet, you still babble about Libya.
Four Americans are dead. Two plus months answers, no truth, much lying, no names, no accountability, no responsibility and continued "stone walling" include your contribution here.

Thus, no more response from me. Talk to yourself, or maybe CUDA hasn't
lost interest in the subject. The obvious conclusion remains: you hate your President, and are willing to hate your own country because of it to the point
of flagrant lying and conjecture. Shame on you. Slick, you can't really respond...You , like me, don't know the truth. It all ends, when, Obama truthfully answers the questions, under oath. Which by the way as I pointed out earlier, Petraeus was not sworn in prior to giving his "testimony" last week. Pay a dab of attention to this...The word "testimony" implies the person was under oath, Petraeus wasn't. It seems, quite likely, that no one involved in this goat screw will be. Why?
All I require/want is the truth. You, seem to want this to fade away...Why?
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Re: Post Office

Post by CUDA »

FACTour consulate was attacked on 9/11
FACTour intelligence community knew it was terrorism with-in 24 hours. (Patreaus testified to such)
FACTthe white house was briefed on the attack and told it was terrorism
FACTthe UN Ambassador said it was a bout a video 5 times in one day when they already had been told it was terrorism ( a lie)
FACTthe President said it was about a Video multiple times when he was personally told by his CIA director that it was not about a video but was terrorim(a Lie)
FACTit was NEVER about a Video.
FACTyou will continue to deny the facts because it doesn't fit your agenda

except for the fact(FACT) that he did not. Videotape will show that on at least two occaisions,the President referred to terrorism.
FACT but he never referred to THIS act as terrorism. try not to distort the truth
"In reality, there exists only fact and fiction.
Opinions result from a lack of the former and a reliance on the latter."

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