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Re: Romney

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:56 pm
by Pudfark
Buzz wrote:Shut up stupid. You don't have the brains of a flea.
I give my dogs a pill for fleas.
Seems, you wanna give'm "Health Care".

Re: Romney

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:07 pm
by callmeslick
Buzz wrote:I used to think you were smart Pud.

What happened?

I'm guessing that you started reading his posts. :lol:

Re: Romney

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:11 pm
by callmeslick
Barfly wrote:Neither candidate provides enough information in a stump speech that can be verfied with simple math. On the surface, Obama's 'plan' to reduce the deficit doesn't stand up to simple scrutiny, and underneath, he has no plans to actually reduce the deficit. He still intends on producing trillion dollar deficits far into the future, as he stated at the beginning of his one term.

Except that his plan(publicly available for over a year and a half) WAS scrutinized by the CBO and private economists. All came to the conclusion that it would take 4 trillion plus off the deficit in 10 years. The GOP on the other hand SAYS they wish to reduce the deficit, but won't cut military spending and want to lower capital gains taxes further, maintain a very low top end Fed Income tax and eliminate Inheritence tax. How does that mean deficit reduction? Easy, by eiliminating social service programs, gutting SS and eliminating Medicare in 5 years. What a deal for most Americans!

Re: Romney

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:12 pm
by Pudfark
Barfly wrote:Another squeaking, cornered rat... Pud? lol

Further, in Buzz's list of "Romney Complaints"?
He fails to note...that when the country goes
bankrupt under OBama? Nobody is gonna have
anything. It sorta "bottom lines" with?
If you don't pay your bills,first. You ain't gonna have no lights.

So, Buzz, if you want to have for yourself and others what you listed?
You better give some thought about paying the bills. Which by the way,
Obama don't mention. Oh, that's right,my bad, only the "rich" folks gotta pay.

Buzz don't take none of this personal...It ain't, until you don't have no lights.

Re: Romney

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:18 pm
by Pudfark
callmeslick wrote:
Barfly wrote:Neither candidate provides enough information in a stump speech that can be verfied with simple math. On the surface, Obama's 'plan' to reduce the deficit doesn't stand up to simple scrutiny, and underneath, he has no plans to actually reduce the deficit. He still intends on producing trillion dollar deficits far into the future, as he stated at the beginning of his one term.

Except that his plan(publicly available for over a year and a half) WAS scrutinized by the CBO and private economists. All came to the conclusion that it would take 4 trillion plus off the deficit in 10 years. The GOP on the other hand SAYS they wish to reduce the deficit, but won't cut military spending and want to lower capital gains taxes further, maintain a very low top end Fed Income tax and eliminate Inheritence tax. How does that mean deficit reduction? Easy, by eiliminating social service programs, gutting SS and eliminating Medicare in 5 years. What a deal for most Americans!
So....really, how does that work with Obama's budget? Deficit Reduction?
Oh, snap! He don't have one.
So how is what you wrote Slick? Relevant?

Cutting military spending now? Is stupid.
Eliminating the largess in government...which Obama increased more
than any other president? That's smart and doable.

Re: Romney

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:26 pm
by callmeslick
what you write, as usual, Pud, is total nonsense. The most bloated part of the current budget IS the military. Hell, even the Pentagon admits to being able to shave it down, and they're biased. Further, by returning to Clinton's tax code, and assuming a steady(albeit slow) recovery, as can be expected, you will return to balance in the budget within a few years. When tons of people are hurting due to 8 years of Bush mis-management of the budget and the resulting financial meltdown, why does cutting 'government largesse' translate into anything beyond screwing the little guy? Bowles and Simpson tried to spell out how to slowly fix the deficit mess, but that plan involved raising taxes, and until the GOP does that, they are merely blowing smoke up the nation's asses in order to enrich their backers.

Re: Romney

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:37 pm
by Barfly
It's not nonsense, you just don't understand his perspective, or mine or Happy's. Can't say the reverse is true...

Re: Romney

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:46 pm
by callmeslick
what is your perspective, than, Barfly because you and Pud simply come off as self-centered, with no concern for the long-term health of the society or it's economy(no provisions mentioned for infrastructure development, such as Eisenhower,Kennedy provided).
You espouse a long-term plan that will destine the nation for a feudal system with a handful of wealthy people surrounded by masses of starving peons doing their bidding. All in the name of 'self-determinaton'? It's a joke. You've been sold a bill of goods that will ruin, if not yourselves, I guarantee your grandchildren. Oh, and Happy? He's just some high-school kid trying to impress the adults, and failing miserably.

Re: Romney

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 3:03 pm
by Pudfark
callmeslick wrote:what is your perspective, than, Barfly because you and Pud simply come off as self-centered, with no concern for the long-term health of the society or it's economy(no provisions mentioned for infrastructure development, such as Eisenhower,Kennedy provided).
You espouse a long-term plan that will destine the nation for a feudal system with a handful of wealthy people surrounded by masses of starving peons doing their bidding. All in the name of 'self-determinaton'? It's a joke. You've been sold a bill of goods that will ruin, if not yourselves, I guarantee your grandchildren. Oh, and Happy? He's just some high-school kid trying to impress the adults, and failing miserably.
Sometimes, HH is correct. What you wrote above?
Sounds like some "communist diatribe"....I "think" HH would agree on this.
My grandchildren are being taught to make it on their own merits, not on the
backs of others. Nobody,you mentioned is talking about anything other than
paying the bills and the deficit, first. After that, we can talk about grabbing an
ice cream cone or anything else. What is it you don't want to understand about
paying first? Other, than it gets in the way of dreaming,spending and borrowing.

Edit: and your "Agenda".

Re: Romney

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 3:08 pm
by Barfly

I believe in the founding principles of this country, limited federal government, and no wealth redistribution by government.