

Re: Romney

Post by Pudfark »

Barfly wrote:

I believe in the founding principles of this country, limited federal government, and no wealth redistribution by government.
Amen. Anybody who doesn't?
Needs to go else where.
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Re: Romney

Post by Barfly »

callmeslick wrote:what is your perspective, than, Barfly because you and Pud simply come off as self-centered, with no concern for the long-term health of the society or it's economy(no provisions mentioned for infrastructure development, such as Eisenhower,Kennedy provided).
You espouse a long-term plan that will destine the nation for a feudal system with a handful of wealthy people surrounded by masses of starving peons doing their bidding. All in the name of 'self-determinaton'? It's a joke. You've been sold a bill of goods that will ruin, if not yourselves, I guarantee your grandchildren. Oh, and Happy? He's just some high-school kid trying to impress the adults, and failing miserably.
If your ideas are fully realized, we could end up with a Marxist style regime, within which people like you will be purged. If our society is fundmentally tranformed or destroyed, and becomes feudal, the powerful will position themselves as the few, not the wealthy per se. Just having wealth, makes you a target.

Re: Romney

Post by Pudfark »

Barfly, Slick hasn't thought that far ahead?
Or, he believes, he will be one of the "few".
For sure, he ain't one of the folks, he purports to wanna help.

Which is why I made a reference to his "agenda" earlier.
Gee, where have I heard the strategy of aligning "the masses" to
overthrow the government (this time, peacefully) in the past?
Where have I heard the terms "redistribution of wealth" or the equivalent
explanations? I wish I could remember what occurred? How it worked out?
How long it lasted? Why does the image of the "Berlin Wall" coming down?
Come into my thoughts? I just couldn't be? Could it? It's just not possible,
for someone to present such an idea? Under the guise of helping the poor and
unfortunates? Is it? What an "original idea" that would be? :idea:
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Re: Romney

Post by Buzz »

Pudfark wrote:
Barfly wrote:Another squeaking, cornered rat... Pud? lol

Further, in Buzz's list of "Romney Complaints"?
He fails to note...that when the country goes
bankrupt under OBama? Nobody is gonna have
anything. It sorta "bottom lines" with?
If you don't pay your bills,first. You ain't gonna have no lights.

So, Buzz, if you want to have for yourself and others what you listed?
You better give some thought about paying the bills. Which by the way,
Obama don't mention. Oh, that's right,my bad, only the "rich" folks gotta pay.

Buzz don't take none of this personal...It ain't, until you don't have no lights.
Let me splain. I have a mountain cabin. I also have an apartment in town that I use sometimes. I'm there now. I don't really need the apartment. If the lights go out. I'll just live in the cabin full time. Candles and the fireplace work fine. Creek has plenty of water. Creeks also has plenty of fish. Mountain is full of game.

I'll survive, but I worry about all the old folks who won't survive. They have a better chance with Obama.

Re: Romney

Post by Pudfark »

Buzz, you sound like Slick. Willing to impose it on others, for their own perceived good. Not for yourself. There's a word for that...something like "two faced". ;)

You'd have had a better case?
If you included yourself.

just saying.....
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Re: Romney

Post by Buzz »

What makes you think i'm not? I'm just pointing out that no matter what happens i'll survive.

I'll only worry about living in the cabin full time if Romney gets elected.

Re: Romney

Post by Pudfark »

Buzz, does your lifestyle require Obama or somebody else to pay for it?
Cuz, you sure make it sound that way. :?
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Re: Romney

Post by callmeslick »

you see, Pud, Buzz is showing concern for others. As am I. A fundamental difference from folks who THINK this nation was founded on principles that couldn't evolve with time. Limited government was the only option in an isolated former colony, and income balancing wasn't much of a concern when there was an entire frontier for men to head towand and make their fortune or at least secure a future for their families. Welcome to the modern, globalized, industrial world.
Pudfark wrote: Mon May 29, 2017 11:15 am I live in live in America.
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Re: Romney

Post by Buzz »

Pudfark wrote:Buzz, does your lifestyle require Obama or somebody else to pay for it?
Cuz, you sure make it sound that way. :?

I don't take SS,or Medicare. I live off what I saved and invested when I worked. I could say FTW, and drop out, but I care what happens to others. Especially, the old and disabled.
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Re: Romney

Post by Barfly »

callmeslick wrote:you see, Pud, Buzz is showing concern for others. As am I. A fundamental difference from folks who THINK this nation was founded on principles that couldn't evolve with time. Limited government was the only option in an isolated former colony, and income balancing wasn't much of a concern when there was an entire frontier for men to head towand and make their fortune or at least secure a future for their families. Welcome to the modern, globalized, industrial world.
Income balancing? You gotta be fuggin' kidding me. lol. It wasn't much of a concern? How about it wasn't a concern AT ALL. You're just hedging your 'guess'. Also, saying you think the founding principles of this country were intended to evolve, is a polite or deceptive way of saying you don't agree with them.
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