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Illegals and crime

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 11:36 am
by ruggbutt

Re: Illegals and crime

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:12 pm
by Buzz
Why don't you move? I did.

I doubt anybody on this forum cares about Arizona.

Re: Illegals and crime

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:51 pm
by Reservoir_Dog
Come on 'zona! You can do better than that! Are you a pussy state or what? Go for the gold, damn it! 100% in all categories! Win! Win! Win!

Re: Illegals and crime

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 4:11 pm
by callmeslick
digging a bit deeper into the comments section yields this priceless gem:

I went to the URL linked in Post 1 and it says that these stats were published at I went to the web page where these stats were published and the statistics came "from a reader."

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Illegals and crime

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 6:06 pm
by ruggbutt
callmeslick wrote:
I went to the URL linked in Post 1 and it says that these stats were published at I went to the web page where these stats were published and the statistics came "from a reader."
So you don't believe what is said in the article but you believe what someone says in the comments...........................Look for yourself. The stats that apply to Arizona are factual.

Re: Illegals and crime

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 10:56 am
by callmeslick
ruggbutt wrote:
callmeslick wrote:
I went to the URL linked in Post 1 and it says that these stats were published at I went to the web page where these stats were published and the statistics came "from a reader."
So you don't believe what is said in the article but you believe what someone says in the comments...........................Look for yourself. The stats that apply to Arizona are factual.

prove it. Show your source, please. Yes, I am saying the stats are complete bullshit, intended to scare the easily frightned, like yourownself, into the sort of xenophobia you display here.

Re: Illegals and crime

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 1:08 pm
by ruggbutt
callmeslick wrote: prove it.
Prove me wrong. I live here, I know what the facts are. You've been telling me for years how much you know about the place that I live, about construction, about illegals, about the housing market, et al.

Re: Illegals and crime

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 1:22 pm
by Buzz
I can prove it's too fecking hot there.

I'm just saying.

Re: Illegals and crime

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:12 pm
by Daiichidoku
who cares? its stats, you cant do anything with them unless you can specify parameters, if any, for the test group, and even then the context or framing again makes the data mutable
thats before it gets to an individual's perception no less

95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.
83% of warrants for murder in Phoenix are for illegal aliens.
86% of warrants for murder in Albuquerque are for illegal aliens

is it easier for detectives to get info via gang contacts they area accustomed to seeing leading to more warrants, is it easier for some elements of LE to scapegoat illegals for excuse for unimpressive crime rates or funding purposes? for gang members to screw rival gang members who happen to be illegal?

not saying this is the case, but that it COULD be...but it could turn out to go the other way, and be understating the case...thats the the prob with stats

its weakest point is no published sources including figures the % are based on, in most cases.

48.2% of all inmates in New Mexico detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally

29% (630,000) convicted illegal alien felons fill our state and federal prisons at a cost of $1.6 billion annually ... ation_rate
New Mexico 316 felon/100,000 population
Population 2,000,000

/ 1,00,000



if 48% of NM inmates are illegal aliens, the total NM inmate population is approx 12,000?

uhhhh ya
(ninja edit: link in post below gives 2008 NM pop as 6,629, down from all time high of 6,803, unless someone can disprove my math etc, Rugg's cited stats page is bogus in this regard, at least)

53% plus of all investigated burglaries reported in California, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona and Texas are perpetrated by illegal aliens

this, like other stats in this item, mean nothing unless you also have the data from all other pertintent LE agencies; 53% of ALL burgs. in 5 listed states are from all state/county agencies as well as INS/FBI, or just INS/FBI?
maybe country or state LE agenices would show far different stats...or again, maybe support it....but without the souce etc, useless

71% plus of all apprehended cars stolen in 2005 in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and California were stolen by Illegal aliens or “transport coyotes".
47% of cited/stopped drivers in California have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 47%, 92% are illegal aliens.
63% of cited/stopped drivers in Arizona have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 63%, 97% are illegal aliens
66% of cited/stopped drivers in New Mexico have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 66% 98% are illegal aliens.

wheres theres smoke theres fire this maybe the case here, but that in itself probably tends makes LE more "selective" in choosing its stopped drivers, inflating the values

again, the framing of the data is key here

making 380,000 babies automatically U.S.citizens.

97.2% of all costs incurred from those births were paid by the American taxpayers.

costs paid by americans, for americans, that will grow up, legally, as americans, to contribute in turn paying taxes and living the good american way

Re: Illegals and crime

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:20 pm
by Daiichidoku