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Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 11:01 pm
by Buzz
The lies Romney will tell about Jeeps to try and win Ohio.

Why can't Americans see the truth about that dirt bag?

Re: Unbelievable

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 1:05 am
by ruggbutt
U mad bro?

Re: Unbelievable

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 7:52 am
Buzz wrote:The lies Romney will tell about Jeeps to try and win Ohio.

Why can't Americans see the truth about that dirt bag?
You mean like the Lies Obama told about Benghazi, the Kind of factually proven Lies and continued cover up that cost the lives of 4 people including an American Ambassador. the Kind of Lies and stonewalling that's he's using to try to put off having to face until after the election? those kind of lies?? why wont you admit the truth about that "dirt Bag" that's a rhetorical question. FYI. you wont admit it because you yourself will lie to get him elected. because an honest man would not have posted the drivel that you did in the OP

Re: Unbelievable

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 8:58 am
by Buzz
CUDA wrote:
Buzz wrote:The lies Romney will tell about Jeeps to try and win Ohio.

Why can't Americans see the truth about that dirt bag?
You mean like the Lies Obama told about Benghazi, the Kind of factually proven Lies and continued cover up that cost the lives of 4 people including an American Ambassador. the Kind of Lies and stonewalling that's he's using to try to put off having to face until after the election? those kind of lies?? why wont you admit the truth about that "dirt Bag" that's a rhetorical question. FYI. you wont admit it because you yourself will lie to get him elected. because an honest man would not have posted the drivel that you did in the OP
What's this? The "No you are" response? Getting desperate Cuda?

The whole world is calling Romney a liar on this Jeep deal. Well, the whole world, except Cuda. Suck it up, and admit Romney just makes up stuff. Romney has no compassion for the people. He can't even stop campaigning during Sandy. That's who he is.

Not sure what you're talking about Obama lying about Benghazi/ he said it was terrorist the next day. That even shut up Romney, but not you, because you're special.

I don't like to be called dishonest asshole. You better have some proof of that. You're guy is losing, so attack me personally? Must be the republican way. You all seem to do it.

Re: Unbelievable

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 10:29 am
Not sure what you're talking about Obama lying about Benghazi/ he said it was terrorist the next day. That even shut up Romney, but not you, because you're special.
the reason why your not sure what I'm talking about with Obama lying about Benghazi doesn't surprise me in the least. MSNBC didn't report on it, you really should at least make an HONEST attempt to get the facts. even Candy Crowley who played the partisan card during the Debate admitted afterwards that she was Wrong and Obama was not referring to the 2012 attacks when he mentioned terrorism.
SO just for the sake of your point lets admit for a BRIEF second that Obama DID call the Benghazi attacks terrorism the next day. then please answer me this. WHY 2 weeks later did he go before the UN and call it a spontaneous attack????? which lie is it????? was it terrorism or was it spontaneous. they new in REAL time it was terrorism and only a dishonest man would say otherwise. you really should do some research before you comment on a subject Mr. Matthews ERRRRRRR Buzz
I don't like to be called dishonest asshole. You better have some proof of that. You're guy is losing, so attack me personally? Must be the republican way. You all seem to do it.
maybe if you dont like being called dishonest, then maybe you shouldn't be, say maybe.... DISHONEST Actually we learned making personal attacks from your President and VP and people like Wasserman-Shultz (a caught Liar, just like the President and VP) and other members of this Administration.
Main Entry:
dishonesty  [dis-on-uh-stee] Show IPA
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: lying; unwillingness to tell the truth
Synonyms: artifice, bunk, cheating, chicane, chicanery, corruption, craft, criminality, crookedness, cunning, deceit, double-dealing, duplicity, faithlessness, falsehood, falsity, flimflam, fourberie, fraud, fraudulence, graft, guile, hanky-panky, hocus-pocus, improbity, infamy, infidelity, insidiousness, mendacity, perfidiousness, perfidy, racket, rascality, sharp practice, slyness, stealing, swindle, treachery, trickery, trickiness, unscrupulousness, wiliness
Antonyms: fairness, frankness, honesty, openness, scrupulousness, sincerity, truthfulness
you are either willfully trying to deceive from the facts, or you are a gullible individual that cannot take the time to search for the truth in the matter. which is it??? are you being deceitful in your denial of Benghazi or do you really want to know the truth, your own words and actions are your biggest indictment to your deception and your one sided partisan approach that it's only Romney that distorts the truth is just another example or your deception.. so again I say.

if you dont like being called dishonest, then maybe you shouldn't be,say maybe.... DISHONEST

Re: Unbelievable

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 10:32 am
by ruggbutt
Buzz wrote:
Not sure what you're talking about Obama lying about Benghazi/ he said it was terrorist the next day.
Of course you don't know, you parrot what the Dems say and have no real idea WTF happened. First he blamed it on some movie. Turns out it was a planned Al Qaeda attack, which he knew was going to happen before hand. Then he told people who were going to help those at the embassy to stand down. One of the SEALs at the embassy was lasing a target, which you don't do unless there is air cover overhead so you can kill that target. AC 130's were an hour out max and the siege lasted more than 7 hours. They watched those people die in that embassy and didn't do a goddamn thing to help.

That's dereliction of duty. And you're sitting here complaining about some fecking Jeep "lie". My gawd Buzz, you are even dumber than I thought you were. Your priorities are all fucked up.

One more thing Buzz, you retard: Cool story bro.

Re: Unbelievable

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 10:36 am
Cmon Rugg. don't ruin Buzz's fantasy world with the Facts.

The trouble with lying and deceiving is that their efficiency depends entirely upon a clear notion of the truth that the liar and deceiver wishes to hide.
Hannah Arendt

Re: Unbelievable

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:55 am
by Buzz
Nice the way you sidestepped the Jeep deal. That was the topic!

As for me being dishonest? For that to be true. I'd have to do it willingly. Which I haven't. I didn't make anything up, and what I said is what I believe to be the truth.

You guys sure are sore losers.

Re: Unbelievable

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:21 pm
Buzz wrote:Nice the way you sidestepped the Jeep deal. That was the topic!
your dishonesty comes from being partisan and not seeing the same faults in your own man and trying to demonize the other side for your personal gain.
As for me being dishonest? For that to be true. I'd have to do it willingly. Which I haven't. I didn't make anything up, and what I said is what I believe to be the truth.
your BELIEFS are irrelevant. the Facts are what is the truth.

The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions.
Leonardo da Vinci

You guys sure are sore losers.
interestingly we haven't lost anything. so again the FACTS don't agree with you :mrgreen: ;)

Re: Unbelievable

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:22 pm
by Buzz
What a putz. Take your pick. You must believe one of these sites. ... 11&bih=552