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Re: They lied to keep the funding coming? Say it ain't so!

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 8:29 pm
by nicolas10
callmeslick wrote:I couldn't agree less. Market analysts are shills, who make guesses based on what happened, usually too late.
I think they are very aware of how the system works and how some manipulate the market and how the market reacts to different situations. Especially someone who has been there for something like 27 years. If you rather listen to the official thesis, it's up to you.
I think you answered the question about lack of effect upon the US markets. I'll admit, I thought the US would see a 2-3% hit from that one, but clearly European investors are tied far more closely to the Dubai construction bubble.
Was it not to have a deep impact in the US, it wouldn't have conveniently happened just prior to the thanksgiving weekend. The coincidence is just too good to be true. Same with the "computer crash" at the london stock exchange. Besides for the next crisis, it won't take such a big trigger.
Anyone who bought into that building craze, IMHO, is a fool. Who the fuck really thought that Dubai was going to a major commercial hub, when the target populations they were aiming for live in Europe, Asia and North America? Sure, they could draw a bit of action, but the Middle East doesn't have that much worth dealing in beyond petroleum, and that is a slowly dwindling item. It was another sucker play, a speculative bubble that will keep the Dubai royal family wealthy, part some fools with their money, and all will proceed apace.
No disagreement. But that's how capitalism works: find a pigeon.


Re: They lied to keep the funding coming? Say it ain't so!

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 8:38 pm
by callmeslick
if the impact in the US was that great, the market here, on a short day, would have opened 600 points lower. It didn't. I suspect, as I stated, that Euro exposure on this one is far greater(percentage-wise) than the US.
Now, as to the overall heath of the Western Capitalist economies, I would agree that there are many, many potential pitfalls. Frankly, I see the next 100 years as the rise of South Asia as the focus of the world economy. They have the consumer base, the industrial capacity, the access to raw materials and the diligence to literally crush the West, slowly. Further, they have none of the complacency that pervades most European and American people. In short, they are hungry, and their time is coming. That is sort of the way history has always worked.

Re: They lied to keep the funding coming? Say it ain't so!

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 8:40 pm
by nicolas10
And soon they have the gold reserves. All the FMI banks are selling gold to save the dollar. India's buying it. (oh and the vampires like Rotschield, Goldman etc etc etc etc)

On their left (public) hand they commit high treason by selling the gold reserves. On their right (private) hand they are probably buying it with their mates.


Re: They lied to keep the funding coming? Say it ain't so!

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 8:42 pm
by callmeslick
right you are, nic. Funny how the old money always seems to survive, eh?
Then again, I've sort of been saying that, on this very forum, for quite a few years....... ;) :)

Re: They lied to keep the funding coming? Say it ain't so!

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 10:14 pm
by Yellow77
I've been saying that the U.S. has less than 50 years left, at its current rate of decline. I'll be gone by then most likely. Feel sorry for those that will be left.

Re: They lied to keep the funding coming? Say it ain't so!

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 5:15 pm
by nicolas10
I honestly don't think it will last more than 10 years unfortunately. At least not in the way we know it now.


Re: They lied to keep the funding coming? Say it ain't so!

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 5:37 pm
by callmeslick
aren't you two a ray of sunshine? I might agree that the US will face a different reality, as no nation remains at the top of the heap. Still, Britain, France, Spain, Germany, and other nations still exist, and thrive, long after losing their commanding positions. I think the US is more than capable of long-term strength, growth and prosperity. To think that 10 or even 50 years out the US will be 'gone' is mighty pessimistic(in Yellow's case) or wishful thinking(in Nic's).

Re: They lied to keep the funding coming? Say it ain't so!

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 6:46 pm
by nicolas10
unfortunately >< wishful thinking

Re: They lied to keep the funding coming? Say it ain't so!

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 6:56 pm
by ruggbutt
We won't be gone. We have all the nukes. Everyone else will be gone if they piss me off.

Re: They lied to keep the funding coming? Say it ain't so!

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 8:49 pm
by callmeslick
in realpolitik terms, ruggie's point is well taken. If we are 'gone' so are the rest of you all.