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Obama's Nobel Speech

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 5:56 pm
by callmeslick
OK, let's get real now.....that had to be one of the best statements on US policy in my lifetime. It's good to hear the initial talking head feedback: some conservatives, some liberals and all moderates seem to have liked it. Hell, for vast parts of the thing, you are left thinking that had George Bush been able to present the case that well, we might be in much better shape, worldwide, as Obama was merely putting rationale to several Bush policies.
At any rate, for those that missed it, Obama can be quickly paraphrased: " Look, we in the US really didn't ask for the job, but you all have basically left World Security up to us. Given that fact, sometimes there are situations where no amount of reason or negotiation is talking some folks out of trying to kill us, or hurt our nation. We therefore reserve the right, as we see fit, to kick the shit out of them. Peace is a nice ideal, but governments cannot live in an ideal world, they deal with reality."
Now, as to what the rest of the world took home from the speech, I would be fascinated. However, just understand, that speech was aimed, squarely, at the American people(and not coincidentally, the American Voter). The less bombastic, but still rather strong case Obama made for some American actions, coupled with increased participation and input from the rest of the world, is what the vast bulk of Middle America wants to see. Some conservatives accept this nuanced approach as well, as do pragmatic liberal/progressive types. But the huge chunk that makes up the middle feels pretty much as Obama layed it out today. It should be interesting to see some of the responses, stateside.

edited to reflect the fact that I have lived but once....

Re: Obama's Nobel Speech

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:01 pm
by ruggbutt
I didn't get to hear (or read) the speech.

Re: Obama's Nobel Speech

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:16 pm
by callmeslick
ruggbutt wrote:I didn't get to hear (or read) the speech.
after you finish the latest article on how some mid-level Obama advisor advocated bestiality two decades back, in a college humor magazine, look it up. :P Better yet, listen to the video feed. It might open your eyes.....Obama has been proving himself, daily, to be the pragmatist I told you he would be. And, current polls be damned(refer to other thread), the man will, likely, be re-elected in a landslide.

Re: Obama's Nobel Speech

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 10:13 pm
by ruggbutt
callmeslick wrote:Obama has been proving himself, daily, to be the pragmatist I told you he would be.
That's 30k more troops to A-Stan?

Re: Obama's Nobel Speech

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 6:24 am
by callmeslick
that's a lot more than Afghanistan. It is the whole approach to foreign policy, domestic issues, the economy.
Someday, you will realize that we have an extremely practical policy wonk running the show now. Very little ideology, just good basic brainpower applied to real issues and problems. About time.

Re: Obama's Nobel Speech

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 3:31 am
by ruggbutt
callmeslick wrote: just good basic brainpower applied to real issues and problems. About time.
A lot of broken promises. Not only did your boy say that he'd help the economy, but he'd get us out of the war and the debt that Bush caused by sending troops overseas. So he puts this nation in the most debt it's ever seen and he's continued along the same lines as Bush. Some change. Last time I checked the only benefit this country has seen with the "bailout" was that wall street bankers have been able to continue their lifestyle.

Re: Obama's Nobel Speech

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 7:57 am
by callmeslick
ruggbutt wrote:A lot of broken promises.
Not only did your boy say that he'd help the economy
lesse, in 10 months, monthly job losses are down from 600,000 to 11,000, inventories are going up, temp hiring is up, stock market WAY up. So far, so good.
he'd get us out of the war
sorry, he said he'd end the Iraq occupation asap, and is on track to do so. Obama was quite clear that we had to refocus on Afghanistan. Once again, so far, so good.
and the debt that Bush caused by sending troops overseas. So he puts this nation in the most debt it's ever seen and he's continued along the same lines as Bush.
the debt was unavoidable, and he even suggested that on the campaign trail(see 'sacrifice' comments, made repeatedly). As for continuing along Bush lines, in a few cases he has, but overall most folks on the planet with brains see a very different path and attitude. Too bad you don't, but then again, you've consigned yourself to the slow section by getting your news from rightwing bloggers.

Re: Obama's Nobel Speech

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 8:40 am
by HappyHappy
I could not sit through that "speech". I nearly vomited.
A peace prize for a man whom ain't done shit.
I can see inside the debate.
I can feel the emotion of the Nobel judjes.

My words below
"America has elected a token *****, he's a communist socialist and a fool.
He's our kind of fool, quick give him a peace prize.
We may never see a communist as president of the US again."

As I see it Obama is just another black in goverment housing.

He will NEVER be my president.


Re: Obama's Nobel Speech

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 8:41 am
by ruggbutt
callmeslick wrote: Too bad you don't, but then again, you've consigned yourself to the slow section by getting your news from rightwing bloggers.
I've been getting my news from the left wing Arizona Republic.

Re: Obama's Nobel Speech

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 9:05 am
by callmeslick
HappyHappy wrote:I could not sit through that "speech". I nearly vomited.
fine. You can end your commentary there. If you don't bother to listen, don't expect anyone to respect your 'informed' opinion.
He will NEVER be my president.

he IS your President, duly elected and all. Get over it, or leave.