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A moment of silence for the missing....

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 9:27 am
by callmeslick
...and this is just a few, post-conservative mass flight, that stayed around:

g00se, Dawg, Goya, Sniper, Soapy, Crusty, Ruggbutt, Buzz, Nutz, Crash(some of these popped in only sporadically, but still popped in).
Sad to see them gone. Sadder still to see what followed. Feel free to add names to this list, as I know it is incomplete.

Re: A moment of silence for the missing....

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 11:33 am
by Pudfark
That's a long list of folks you pissed off. :shock:

Re: A moment of silence for the missing....

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 12:48 pm
by nicolas10
Are you trying to make it sound like the left because of HH & Pudfark?

They left because they are crybabies who left because the guy who was nice enough to provide them a forum for years didn't want to carve to their every whim. It was classless as fuck, which is why I'd decided I'd never switch forum.


Re: A moment of silence for the missing....

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 1:45 pm
by callmeslick
nicolas10 wrote:Are you trying to make it sound like the left because of HH & Pudfark?
I will guarantee that several dd.
They left because they are crybabies who left because the guy who was nice enough to provide them a forum for years didn't want to carve to their every whim. It was classless as fuck, which is why I'd decided I'd never switch forum.

I think you are referring to the right wing masses(Fly, Heavy, etc, etc). The two or three from that group that I cited, still popped in for several years, and even contributed one or two thought-provoking threads. I was NOT referring to the mass exodus of the mid-2000's.

Re: A moment of silence for the missing....

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 2:32 pm
by nicolas10
The few you're talking about just went on because this place died, while at the same time the other one was lively.


Re: A moment of silence for the missing....

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 2:36 pm
by Dawg
Sounds more like the last ones left, get to create the history than reality. Theres a LOT more to it than crybabies just left for fuck sakes..

slick, did you forget bragging about being a drug trafficker and crime lord, or threatening to get heavy delta fired from the pentagon? I'm just askin' cause that is the sort of thing that could panic a man, and his friends, dont you think?

they left, mind you I paid a price for going over there and trying to mend fences, for far more reasons than being crybabies about a free forum.
Ironically, why did I wind up there instead of here? Really, wrap your brain around that- and not just slick as you did have a brain, but that ignorant cunt resdog and a couple of others..jesus...
I never thought I'd agree with HD, Helo's and a couple of others- but dam YOU left wingers cry constantly, lash out like rainbow power rangers and then when we get tired of pointless arguments and threats finally leave, we're the whiners?
How do you explain the dozen or so hard core lefties and ladies that left..or went to the new place?
That doesn't exactly cover it- does it? What, you think they just vanished?

Re: A moment of silence for the missing....

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 2:51 pm
by callmeslick
Dawg wrote:Sounds more like the last ones left, get to create the history than reality. Theres a LOT more to it than crybabies just left for fuck sakes..
agreed, and although I never 'got' the seriousness of the grievances, and understand there were some. I think a lot of it WAS lemming-behavior.

slick, did you forget bragging about being a drug trafficker and crime lord, or threatening to get heavy delta fired from the pentagon? I'm just askin' cause that is the sort of thing that could panic a man, and his friends, dont you think?
you panic easy, don't you, and clearly don't remember Heavy's discourse aimed a me(and my wife, etc). Also, that whole exchange happened on another board altogether, if you get your memories together, was not quite as dire on the 'crime lord' thing as the other party kept making it, and I and the proprietor of that board always had a gentleman's agreement that I would depart before getting so pissed off as to act on certain things to the extent I could have. I held up my end of the bargain.

they left, mind you I paid a price for going over there and trying to mend fences, for far more reasons than being crybabies about a free forum.
Ironically, why did I wind up there instead of here? Really, wrap your brain around that- and not just slick as you did have a brain, but that ignorant cunt resdog and a couple of others..jesus...
ok, Dawg, you sorta lost me with this string of words. I think I get the gist, but.....
I never thought I'd agree with HD, Helo's and a couple of others- but dam YOU left wingers cry constantly, lash out like rainbow power rangers and then when we get tired of pointless arguments and threats finally leave, we're the whiners?
who the hell was ever 'crying'? Those boys were clearly in shock that someone spoiled the circle jerk with facts and went ballistic. Let's not make shit up, my friend......However, as I saw it, MOST of the exchanges(you and I, Fly and I, Rugg and I, for 3 examples) stayed CLOSE to civilized. No dire threats, some smart ass jibes, but nothing from any of the three of you that I ever considered repugnant. Most of all, nothing from those three examples I ever considered mindless or dimwitted.
How do you explain the dozen or so hard core lefties and ladies that left..or went to the new place?
well, as I was one of them for a year or two(and, let me say here, none of the Americans in that group were EVER CLOSE to being hard-core left), I can only speak for myself. I valued the level of exchanges above, and didn't wish to lose them altogether. Sure, there were a handful there(and previously here) that I had little intellectual regard for, but most were fine, even if not in any agreement with me. That's the thing, Dawg, I've NEVER had a problem exchanging remarks with folks that disagree. I DO have a problem with someone, of any ideology, that can do nothing but bomb-throw, regurgitate the thoughts of others, or worse still, just post a string of insulting stupidity.
That doesn't exactly cover it- does it? What, you think they just vanished?
gosh, I hope not. Think of the wives and children. As I was trying to say to Nic, I had no personal issue with those that left, once I got some sort of explanation. What I was getting at in this thread is the number of non-political or less-political posters(Soapy is a great example) that got fed up with the sort of dimwitted trolls I mentioned above.

Re: A moment of silence for the missing....

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 2:54 pm
by Dawg
I would depart before getting so pissed off as to act on certain things to the extent I could have. I held up my end of the bargain. got banned. On comms during some game a dozen years ago or whenever it happened, we were privy to some reality there slickster. Granted all parties were there except you, but......changed my outlook and began the downfall.
you can't change the chronological series of events to suit your memory of who did what first.
jus' sayin'

Re: A moment of silence for the missing....

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 2:57 pm
by callmeslick
Dawg wrote:
I would depart before getting so pissed off as to act on certain things to the extent I could have. I held up my end of the bargain. got banned. On comms during some game a dozen years ago or whenever it happened, we were privy to some reality there slickster. Granted all parties were there except you, but......changed my outlook and began the downfall.
then, you got lied to. I wrote to Mark via PM(or email) and told him to remove me. It apparently(was relayed to me) took two days. But, any other version is COMPLETE fiction.

Re: A moment of silence for the missing....

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 8:34 pm
by Reservoir_Dog
nicolas10 wrote:Are you trying to make it sound like the left because of HH & Pudfark?
I still have contact with several of those folks and I can absolutely guarantee you that they left because of those two putty heads.