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Truth- It hurts.

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:51 pm
by Conga
Remember Gore Child? Well he just landed on a carrier as a Marine Pilot qualifying for carrier opps. He was what -14 when we started playing IL2 with him? He proudly shared that and we were like a bunch of proud grandpappys- Ever happen here???
Many others have gone on to have impressive lives, and we have shared those with them, good and bad times.
Helped many through troubles, have seen a couple die.
Been a shoulder when one was needed.
That's what CAN happen when you actually talk to each other as friends and real people.
that is not what happens here .
You could change, but I really don't think so.

And you wonder why no one want to come here. Why would they?

Re: Truth- It hurts.

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 3:27 am
by fatman
Conga wrote:Remember Gore Child? Well he just landed on a carrier as a Marine Pilot qualifying for carrier opps.
For real? Thats great, has he been goproing any airtime?

Re: Truth- It hurts.

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 9:47 am
by callmeslick
Conga wrote:Remember Gore Child? Well he just landed on a carrier as a Marine Pilot qualifying for carrier opps. He was what -14 when we started playing IL2 with him? He proudly shared that and we were like a bunch of proud grandpappys- Ever happen here???
send my regards, and you make fair points. Some of us do treat the others like that, but a couple folks came in and changed the tone. Agree or disagree, I always viewed folks like Res, Ruggie, Buzz, Goya(and many others, hell even departed ones like yourownself, g00se, HowWork, Dawg, and others), in that way.
Beyond HW and his impressive portraiture portfolio(I saw his Bush portrait in Philly and it was impressive), I wasn't aware of any of us accomplishing something all that significant, but still I viewed all as sort of an odd little family. That has, as you note, been lost.

Re: Truth- It hurts.

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 2:47 pm
by Conga
This is our boy hitting the cable.


We have had a Commander of a major aircraft carrier, several guitarists with great chops, Avid RC builders, Motorcycle nuts, One who helped build Space ship One, It goes on. And we talk about these things, not just throw feces at each other.

You guys could grow up.

Re: Truth- It hurts.

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 3:24 pm
by nicolas10
You're just mad because we throw feces better than you can do.

Congrats to gorechild though. Real achievement indeed.


Re: Truth- It hurts.

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 3:51 pm
by Pudfark
nicolas10 wrote:You're just mad because we throw feces better than you can do.Nic
Well when it comes to shooting the "feces"....there's the slick shotgun approach...and then there's the rifle approach.....which has been proven? To be, far more accurate. :)'ve been gone awhile. The current "monkeys" here, ran out of turds to toss....awhile back. Since then they've picked up whining and excuses....that's proven to be unworkable for, they're back again to name calling and acting out. It's just a phase they're going through, no big deal to anybody. Hope ya stick around or not? :|

Re: Truth- It hurts.

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 3:57 pm
by callmeslick
was that some sort of official photo, Conga? Hell of a pic! :)

as for SOME of the other commentary, in my experience you don't all sit around and have a story-swapping time, and SOME in that group react really poorly to divergent(say anti-military, pro-social benefits)positions. Others stay classy, even when disagreeing. What you see here is a very small group, some of whom have utterly NO regard for the professional expertise or career goals of others. And that held true for those folks from the moment they arrived here. Their entire goal was to spread garbage.

Oh, and you also have one of the nation's great portrait artists among you, presuming he still is there.....

Re: Truth- It hurts.

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 4:10 pm
by Pudfark
Must be yakking about R_D.
Everybody here has proved his garbage.

Sure wish ya would name me..... :lol:
Then link the proof. Show some of that self professed "regard for the professional expertise".
Prolly be the same old...."name calling and whinning"....substituted.

Old Pudfark sez: " Here's yer chance. Or, here's yer sign. " 8-)

Re: Truth- It hurts.

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 4:12 pm
by callmeslick
Conga wrote:We have had a Commander of a major aircraft carrier, several guitarists with great chops, Avid RC builders, Motorcycle nuts, One who helped build Space ship One, It goes on. And we talk about these things, not just throw feces at each other.

You guys could grow up.

If you think about it, Conga, that was the highlight of the 'once upon a time' CWOS. There was a huge amount of diversity. I can remember some of the above, along with a guy who built one of the coolest camping trailers ever, plus a bunch of folks from Europe with a whole different perspective on work, politics, life and anything else one can think of. One could, in those days, use one's career and life as a perspective on related or even tangental subjects. Now, that would be greeted with hatred and, as you put it, feces. I know what Res' line of work is, and Ruggies, and know about Buzz's interests, etc. And, in all case, I respect their unique perspectives. I have even tried to put a positive spin on what I know of Pud's former line of work, but all one gets back is bluster that I am quite sure would have gotten him relieved of his duties, had he spouted them on the job. Happy? Who knows what he does. He's done nothing short of rant about 'communists' and 'leftists' and use scatalogical terms to describe politicians and posters he doesn't like. Hell, the assclown actually tried to PM me with that sort of shit(I had a quick end put to that one). You are, Conga, 100% right. I'd love to see a kinder, more tolerant CWOS, one where controversial stuff could be debated with actual original thought and hard facts, as opposed to 'cut and paste' from hack sites and obscene rants. I'd love to hear mention made of folk's careers, families, other interests. Lord knows I've tried, but it just doesn't seem to get far. For two or more years, as more and more folks depart, I am told privately, 'Slick, why bother?'. I guess I bother mainly because 1) I remember how this place can be, could be, and was and 2) I appreciate one major aspect of this place; the general lighthanded moderation that doesn't squelch unpopular opinion(which, for some people, you must admit, DID lead to the departure of quite a few, when the PP was formed). Oh, well, nothing is forever, even my optimism can flag. C'est la vie, as Nic might say.

Re: Truth- It hurts.

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 4:40 pm
by Conga
As you know- after the major departure I did stick around with both for a good long time. I am not major right wing, but I have learned when it is best to just stay out of a fight, rather than to get into a fecal mess. That apparently is a lost art here. When to just let it lay and move on.
I have spent some time going through recent threads here- and it is pretty much always the same. Nothing.

OK- Edit- One of our esteemed English members just wrote this ( in the thread about Gorechild)
Do you feel this about each other? I say this because this place could be so much more .

You know I was thinking back on reading this on how we bunch of PC nerds just slot in together. We have known each other for 11 years now. We come from all walks of life and we are or were involved in some unique things. Some of you have seen war face to face....some from a distance....some fly....some work on incredible carriers, ships and subs. Some do amazing work with wood that is as skilled as is beautiful. Some take the most amazing photos and some paint that scene. Some play incredible music and some write books. Some work with classic cars and some just have a life's worth of wisdom to share.

Sadly some of us will never ever meet face to face but I find it incredible to read about the day to day stories...births...marriages...and sadly deaths we go through.

A real privilege that I know people all over the world who share their life on here

So Nic is right- you are better at throwing poop.

See ya.