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It's all over for Chris Christie.

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 11:10 pm
by Reservoir_Dog
Just another fine example of how Republicans like to treat "We The People" of America.

The Repubes had one chance at the White House.
And it just got flushed down the toilet.

Re: It's all over for Chris Christie.

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 11:14 pm
by callmeslick
story's been simmering for weeks....boiled over with those emails that were obtained via Legislative order. A funny breakdown from the Voice: ... o_chri.php

now, the GOP can clear the path for a real American like Ted Cruz(born in another country, holding Canadian citizenship notwithstanding).

Re: It's all over for Chris Christie.

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 12:43 am
by Pudfark
It's a blessing in disguise. :D
Another "rino" without a horn....bites the dust. ;)

This for y'all: ... -to-Voters

Might as well separate the wheat from the "chaff" to speak. 8-)

Re: It's all over for Chris Christie.

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 10:19 am
YA this is AWEFUL. What right does this guy have to lead our country, he "might" have lied a about a bridge closure. How dare he...

I mean it's not like he lied about an embassy attack that cost the life of our ambassador. OR lied about a healthcare law that is costing people large sums of money and caused millions of people to lose their wanted coverage.. just to name a few things...... I mean it's not like he was involved in anything like those minor issues huh?

ya if you believe this is an issue for the upcoming electionsthen I "have a bridge" I'd like to sell you.

your desperation is CLEARLY on display

Re: It's all over for Chris Christie.

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 11:34 am
by callmeslick
CUDA wrote:YA this is AWEFUL. What right does this guy have to lead our country, he "might" have lied a about a bridge closure. How dare he...
don't grasp the issues of public service, responsibility to the office, nor the matter of choice of personnel involved in this one, do you, CUDA?
I mean it's not like he lied about an embassy attack that cost the life of our ambassador. OR lied about a healthcare law that is costing people large sums of money and caused millions of people to lose their wanted coverage.. just to name a few things...... I mean it's not like he was involved in anything like those minor issues huh?
his hack appointees have been shown to DIRECTLY cause the death of at least one citizen in his state. Likely more. All for political revenge. What it reveals about judgement and personal responsibilty is huge.
ya if you believe this is an issue for the upcoming electionsthen I "have a bridge" I'd like to sell you.
although I would have doubted it 9 weeks back when I first heard about it, I can now say with certainty, Christie is FINISHED. If my apolitical wife wants to see him put in jail for this, it will resonate with average voters. She is FAR more worked up than I am(jaded political watcher that I am) over the recent revelations.
your desperation is CLEARLY on display
your moral compass is clearly missing. Look in the sock drawer.

Re: It's all over for Chris Christie.

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 1:40 pm
by HappyHappy
Obama is an embarassment to the nation, the laughing stock of the world
and you whiney ass Libtards cry about Chris Christie....

The odor of bullshit is obvious in this thread.

I see Callmeshit has called apon his pet chimp again...


Re: It's all over for Chris Christie.

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 1:43 pm
by callmeslick
Just watched Christie squim through over an hour of grilling by reporters. It pre-empted all regular TV programming in MY market, which isn't even as close to the issue as the NYC/North Jersey market. This was followed by another 1/2 hour of 'analysis'. The Feds have received a request for a criminal investigation(from the port authority of NY/NJ, bipartisan), he's already had to fire 2 people. Another key player, a political lackey with a 200K Port Authority job, that resigned a few weeks back, has been ordered to testify before NJ State court in a criminal grand jury probe.
Now, CUDA thinks this interest by me is about ideology, and couldn't be more wrong. I am, as I have frequently shown, fascinated by the theater which is politics, and the strategy that gets people elected. At this point in time, Christie's people, no doubt, have been going around, lining up both support and donors of money. This sort of thing utterly KILLS such momentum, dead in it's tracks. All for something so stupid, to boot.

oh, and Slappy just showed, yet again, why he can't play with the adults.

Re: It's all over for Chris Christie.

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 2:04 pm
by Pudfark
As I stated earlier in this "thread"..."it's a blessing in disguise"... :)

What's gonna make you unhappy?
Christie handled it in less than 36, it's gonna disappear pretty damn fast...meaning, for you Dem's to have played that card at this's your level of desperation. If'n ya ain't noticed, the Repube's don't give a shit about it...or him. :lol:

Seem's Gates is yer "Atomic Wedgie" the moment.. :lol:

What is really gonna upset y'all?
If the timing is right...and so far...Boehner is resisting temptation/pressure...The "Benghazi Card", when played will be fatal for Hillary. It will make the "Christie Bridge" sound like a flea fart in the Grand Canyon... 8-)

Have a nice day.. :)

Re: It's all over for Chris Christie.

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 2:14 pm
by callmeslick
Pudfark wrote:As I stated earlier in this "thread"..."it's a blessing in disguise"... :)
I'm certain that many conservative wing GOP'rs agree. The thing is, the old line Republicans are going to find somebody. It just might not be Chris Christie, and won't be Mitt Romney anymore either.
What's gonna make you unhappy?
Christie handled it in less than 36, it's gonna disappear pretty damn fast...meaning, for you Dem's to have played that card at this's your level of desperation. If'n ya ain't noticed, the Repube's don't give a shit about it...or him. :lol:
maybe you see 'handle it in 24 hours', but he's been making light of it for 8 weeks now, and looks like an absolute ass. It matters, in my local area and that to the north, because he played politics using regular people, and hurt those people he was entrusted to help.
Seem's Gates is yer "Atomic Wedgie" the moment.. :lol:
seems Gates is being dismissed by most commentators as bitter and VERY inconsistent. For instance, he whines about Obama, yet at the end of the day, feels Obama made all the right decisions. Says Biden never had it right, but strongly supports some major international matters that wouldn't have gotten done without Biden.
What is really gonna upset y'all?
If the timing is right...and so far...Boehner is resisting temptation/pressure...The "Benghazi Card", when played will be fatal for Hillary. It will make the "Christie Bridge" sound like a flea fart in the Grand Canyon... 8-)
so I hear from the likes of you and CUDA, but the truth be told, that card has been played.....and, replayed a few times. Nothing about it sticks to Hillary, and the longer it keeps getting trotted out, it looks more and more like it was Congress' fault for slashing the Diplomatic Security budget. Nope, if this hasn't hurt Clinton's numbers by now, it isn't going to do so in the future, and it clearly didn't hurt her numbers.
Have a nice day.. :)
I generally do. Back from my morning errands. Tying flies all afternoon while the crock-pot makes us dinner(Irish beef stew).

Re: It's all over for Chris Christie.

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 3:34 pm
by Pudfark
That was a fair rebuttal. :)

Just this little dab to add at the moment....The "Benghazi Card" ain't been played yet, though, everybody knows it's being include you. Reason being....Hillary ain't come out yet and yours are hoping that "card" will be played prematurely. So far, the Repubes are holding it back and it's hanging over Hillary's head like a guillotine...

Just my opinion....instead of a cut n pasty. :)