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CBS buried an Obama quote in 2012 on Benghazi

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 5:31 pm
by Dawg
WE knew it, but finally it is good to see this all leaking out.
Did executives at CBS News sit on a clip from an exclusive interview with Barack Obama to protect his election chances in 2012? Sharyl Attkisson insisted on CNN and Fox that executives had been notified by 60 Minutes that they had a clip in which Obama rejected the use of the word “terrorism” the day after the attack on the consulate in Benghazi in an unaired portion of Steve Kroft’s exclusive interview. Instead of forwarding that to CBS Evening News and the reporter working on the Benghazi story — Attkisson herself — network news execs instead directed their organizations to use another part of the interview that bolstered Obama’s case, never revealing the existence of the sound bite until after the election. Attkisson tells both Michael Smerconish and Howard Kurtz that “something very unethical was done“:
On CNN, Smerconish questions why Kroft wouldn’t have spoken up about the clip. Attkisson emphasizes that, to her knowledge, 60 Minutes did send the whole package to CBS News HQ, including a transcript. The decision to bury the exchange took place at the higher level, and apparently without the knowledge of Kroft or his producers, who might have assumed that Attkisson got the whole package and decided not to use the clip for her own reasons.
I'd link but you libmonkies wouldn't click and dont believe the media would tilt truth to help Obama win the 2012 elections.

Mushroom politics, yay!

Re: CBS buried an Obama quote in 2012 on Benghazi

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 9:11 pm
by Pudfark
Doesn't surprise me one bit... Slick would prolly say that's just good politics....hiding/burying the truth.

Old Pudfark sez: " The means...justify...the end...not. "

Re: CBS buried an Obama quote in 2012 on Benghazi

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 8:19 am
by Dawg
Hmmmmmmmmm, surprised the low information types here haven't chimed in.

then again...

Guess better to talk about sick talk show hosts, inaccurate presidential polling and ex presidents. :roll:

Re: CBS buried an Obama quote in 2012 on Benghazi

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 1:16 pm
by Pudfark's one of those daze/days fer me... :lol:

When I read this Dawg...."inaccurate presidential polling", I fell out laughing and had this thought?

The Gallup Poll vs The "Wallop Pole".
seems the "Wallop Pole" was more accurate.

and yes....I should seek professional care.... :lol: