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I am sad to see contunued focus on political parties........

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 5:46 pm
by Jumoschwanz
This forum is a microcosm of the United States. And like the majority of the U.S. population the "citizens here spend their time and energy on partisan politics.

Why is this sad? Because now, partisan politics is a tool used by the rich and powerful to lead and distract the general population from real issues. It is a manufactured theater to capture and keep the attention and energy of the ignorant so they do not see how they are being fucked.

The Democratic and Republican parties purposely put this show on for you, and they work TOGETHER on it to make it good.

This is a fact and it is sitting out there for anyone to look up and see for themselves.

One part of the show put on for you is the Commission on Presidential Debates. You see, in the late eighties when Ross Perot did so well in polls it scared the shit out of the rich and powerful. Here was an independent billionaire that everyone liked, and he did well in the Presidential Debates, which was then run by the League of Women Voters for the LAST time.

After that presidential election, The Republican and Democratic parties formed the Commission on Presidential Debates and took them over. They now exclude other parties from taking part, they control and agree on all questions beforehand.

The Obama and McCain campaigns jointly negotiated a detailed secret contract dictating the terms of the 2008 debates. This included who got to participate, what topics were to be raised, and the structure of the debate formats.

Since the CPD took control of the presidential debates in 1988, the debates have been primarily funded by corporate contributions. Multinational corporations with regulatory interests before Congress have donated millions of dollars in contributions to the CPD, and debate sites have become corporate carnivals, where sponsoring companies market their products, services, and political agendas. Tobacco giant Phillip Morris was a major sponsor in 1992 and 1996. The major contributor, Anheuser-Busch, has sponsored presidential debates in its hometown of St. Louis in 1996, 2000, 2004, and 2008.

That the CPD has been able to raise millions of dollars in corporate contributions is not surprising. Frank Fahrenkopf and Paul Kirk, who co-chair and control the CPD, are registered lobbyists for multinational corporations. Kirk has collected $120,000 for lobbying on behalf of Hoechst Marion Roussel, a German pharmaceutical company. Fahrenkopf earns approximately $900,000 a year as the chief lobbyist for the nation’s $54 billion gambling industry. As president of the American Gaming Association, Fahrenkopf directs enormous financial contributions to major party candidates and saturates the media with “expert” testimony extolling gambling’s “many benefits.” “We’re not going to apologize for trying to influence political elections,” said Fahrenkopf.

I heard about this years ago, but I just saw it all again on Project Censored's website here: ... l-debates/

There are the 25 top censored news stories listed there, and they are of interest to ANY United States citizen who wants a country of, by and for the people, and who wants the ocnstitution preserved.

Come on people, can we please wake-up and see who has stolen out country from us? Can we quit being manipulated into fighting each other and turn our pens and swords towards those who are really attacking us?

We can start right here and maybe it can spread. Maybe, if we can stop putting stock in ANY media that has anything to do with money or corporate sponsorship.

Take a look at Democracy Now, news show supported only by YOUR contributions, that has no corporate horns to blow if you want REAL news:

Re: I am sad to see contunued focus on political parties........

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 6:12 pm
by Dawg

Re: I am sad to see contunued focus on political parties........

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 6:16 pm
by nicolas10
This kind of thing isn't new, and politicians who don't buy into this system end up pushed aside (de Gaulle...) or even killed (Kennedy and Kennedy).


Re: I am sad to see contunued focus on political parties........

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 12:53 am
by Loco-S
I am an equal opportunity hater, fuck the dems and the repubes.

Re: I am sad to see contunued focus on political parties........

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 10:09 pm
by Pudfark
+1 fer Loco....

Old Pudfark sez: " Don't just shit can'em...give'm a courtesy flush "