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Colorado State University gets head forcefully removed

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 7:08 pm
by Wullie
from its' ass..
(Fort Collins, 5/05/2010) Today the CSU Board of Governor's voted to rescind their illegal ban on concealed carry on campus.

"They didn't have a legal leg to stand on," said Dudley Brown, Executive Director of Rocky Mountain Gun Owners (RMGO). "We told them in January, in no uncertain terms, that state law did not allow them to create their own gun ban. Unfortunately, it took a lawsuit to force them to back down."

RMGO filed suit against CSU's Board of Governors on April 15th, proving that unelected board had no authority to override existing state law, which explicitly allows permit holders to carry on college campuses. A day later, a Colorado Appeals Court ruled against CU's ban on carrying.

"This has been a good couple of weeks for law-abiding citizens who want to defend themselves on Colorado campuses, and a terrible week for criminals who assume no one is able to defend themselves on campuses," Brown said. "We're now going to track the policy of every secondary education campus in the state -- every community college, every university, all of them -- and file suit against those who attempt to violate Colorado law."

"The citizens, students and faculty at these facilities should thank the members and donors of Rocky Mountain Gun Owners, the organization responsible for correcting these errant bureaucrats, and Students for Concealed Carry on Campus, who put a lot of hard work into this battle."

Rocky Mountain Gun Owners is Colorado's largest gun rights organization.